FASHION SHOW WITH OLD CLOTHING - let's bring your old dresses to creat them all over - August, 2014 - What can I do, Today ?
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FASHION SHOW WITH OLD CLOTHING - let's bring your old dresses to creat them all over - August, 2014 - What can I do, Today ?

August, 2014, and Our patrol (Leopard) have started to create A FASHION SHOW... AIM OF THE PROJECT : To show people that old clothings can be useful, to make people obtain the habit of rcycling THINGS TO DO : 1. The project wil be introduced by internet 2. Old ( the ones which not to be dressed) clothings will be collected by scout brothers, supporting. 3. the dresses, collected, will be recyled and they will be presented in a SCOUT FASHION SHOW Please send one creation photo to us, if you want to help to these project. If you share your work on event page wall ( the link below) , we will present with your name, İZDOS Scout Group Summer Activity Series
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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