Eventually achieving the goal of smoke-free park.
The main event venue for the troop is located in Changlong elementary school, nearby the Fushou Park where lots of elderly gathered for leisure activities such as playing chess, walking, chitchatting, etc. There are lots of betel nut residues, cigarette butts, and litters everywhere, due to lack of local controls. Even though the cleaners clean it everyday, the situation still remains the same.
The Plan is to let children aware of the damage of chewing betel nut and smoking cigarette to human being, as well as to the environment. Moreover, hopefully through the acts of no cigarette and betel nuts littering propaganda by children and parents, the smoking population in the park to be reduced. Eventually achieving the goal of smoke-free park.
- 於團務會議說明本計畫構想、目的及目標,並於第一次團集會由幼童軍以小隊為單位、稚齡則由服務員及家長協助製作宣導海報,每次團集會開始,即帶領幼童軍及稚齡童軍前往福壽公園進行30分鐘宣導無菸公園並撿拾菸蒂及垃圾。
- 每位小狼及狼寶寶自備一個寶特瓶,並將撿來的菸蒂投入,累積到活動結束,每位小狼需完成一篇心得,狼寶寶則以自拍影片口述方式表現。
- The idea, purpose and goal of the Plan will be described in the troop meeting. The troop will be divided into cub scout patrol, while the pre-cub scouts will be assisted by scouters and parents. Posters will be made by the patrols at the first troop meeting. The cub and pre-cub scouts will be lead to the Fushou Park to proceed 30 minute smoke-free park propaganda and picking-up cigarette butts, betel nut residues and litters every time in the beginning of troop meeting.
- Cigarette butts will be put into a plastic bottle prepared by each cub and pre-cub and the bottle should be kept until the Plan ends. In the end, a sentiment shall be made by each cub, while a oral sentiment video by pre-cub is accepted.