It is all started with CQ call on amateur Radio station. Scouts contacted sometime talked very long sometime very short. Groups of guides and cscoutts talked on wireless radio stations sometime very clearly. A will arised to learn a better foreign language. This is a great highway of peace
Here is the story with photos Thanks Eskisehir
CQ CQ CQ This İs TA2KF/Jamboree
Calling Çağrı
Contact İlk Temas
JOTA Photographer: Bulent KORKMAZ
Our Radio Station Telsiz istasyonumuz Photographer: Koray DEMIREL
Cansu calling Radio. Cansu çağrı yapıyor Photographer: Koray DEMIREL
This Jota enjoy..! JOTA da eğleniyoruz Photographer: Koray DEMIREL
Jota and Joti Station JATOA ve JOTI istasyonları Photographer: Koray DEMIREL
Our Echolink Station. Ekolink istasyonumuz Photographer: Bulent Okan SARICAM
Enjoy Eğlen Photographer: Koray DEMIREL
New Contacts Yeni temaslar
We had the most interesting contact with Thailand eneenteresan teması Taylant ile yaptık
Why was this contact so special??
The contact wehad with Thailand was very interesting. We never had a contant with Puket island at Thailand. We are really excited when we spoke with Scouts of Thailand
Phuket adasından Tiwa ile kurduğumuz temas gerçekten çok ilginçti. Daha önce phuket adasıyle hiç temasımız olmamıştı.Tayland İzcileriyle konuşmak bizi çok heyecanlandırdı.
We also made contact with the following countries::
JOTI United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Brazil, Switzerland, Chile, Cyprus, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Georgia, Greece, India, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Venezuela, Yemen
Media Gazete haberleri
We could be found / we were on Daily newspaper
JOTI Amount of computers 7, Connection type ADSL
Electronic Kitbuilding (soldering), Computer games
Participants 58 total
Section Male Female
Beavers 7 -
Cubs / Brownies - 5
Scouts / Guides - 16
Rover Scouts - 10
Venture Scouts & Staff 20 -
Greetings who ever contacted with us from Scouting world and thanks to all Eskişehir TTRAC member ans scuts participated to our event. Bu faaliyette bizlere sürekli destek vererek diğer ülkelerdeki izcilerle havada buluşmamıza olanak sağlayan TRAC Eskişehir şubesine sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi iletiyoruz. JOTA-JOTİ'ye katılan bütün dünyadaki izcilere Eskişehir Türkiye'den çadır dolusu sevgilerle...73
Author: Koray Demirel