Ensure environmental sustainability

Ensure environmental sustainability

We the guides of pradyuth guide company, SVS English school vidyagiri, D.K, Karnataka conducted community development project about Ensure environmental sustainability.For the first we took the permission from COH, Guide captain, Headmaster, Parent and started our project. In the first COH meeting we all confirmed that ensure environmental sustainability as our second community development project. In the second COH meeting we decided to gain knowedge of the topic ensure environmental sustainability. We had also decided that we will collect the information about it from different sources like Internet, books, newspaper. . . . etc In the next COH we planned to create awareness or giving information to the school students of class sixth standard and students of seventh standard. We explained them about the causes, effects, preventing methods.We explained them properly so that they could understand easily. We also celebrated vanamahotsava programme in our school.one of the guide sister gave a talk on importance of planting plants etc.Later I planted a plant in the backyard of my house. And also I was watering it everyday. I explained about the importance of planting plants how to save the environment for surviving. I went nearby my house and created awareness among the people . Later I gave bit knowledge about how to dump biodegradable and non biodegradable materials.Everybody gave a good response to us I was very happy with my work.Everyone appreciated my work. Finally I was satisfied with my work. We completed our project on 10 March 2017.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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