Empowering Cub Scouts with Skills to protect the Environment

Empowering Cub Scouts with Skills to protect the Environment

Scout Jamaica had the great opportunity to host the 15th Caribbean Cuboree. This event saw Cub Scouts from across the Caribbean coming together to enjoy 5 days of fun and adventure while learning and sharing. A key component of the event was the focus on environmental care. 

The thought was if Cub Scouts develop skills and attitudes about appropriate environmental care through increased knowledge about recycling and conservation. In order to facilitate this change in skill, attitude and knowledge, a wholesale, the multidimensional approach had to be taken. The project had to be appealing, fun and worthwhile.

Rover Scouts and rover aged young people who were not members of the association were invited to be trained by The Jamaica Environmental Trust (JET) on conservation and recycling techniques. These young people would also use this opportunity to work for the World Environmental Award. Their job was to spend time with small groups of Cub Scouts during the Cuboree, training them in conservation and recycling techniques. The Cubs would ensure that the taps were turned off when not in use, the lights were off when not in use, garbage is placed in the appropriate containers especially plastic bottles. Participants were given reusable drinking bottles to reduce the need for single-use water bottles. 

In addition, 200 participants spent one hour in the streets of Ocho Rios handing out reusable grocery bags to the public. This is in response to the government of Jamaica's ban on single-use plastic bags.

At the end of the event, the Cub Scouts and their adult leaders all expressed that they learned a lot and they would be implementing the strategies in their individual communities in the various countries.

Started Ended
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