Earth Hour

Earth Hour

Good evening everyone 
Alone I can do so little but together we can do great things , unison is the strength I believe . It’s a delight to save our mother Earth in a Petty way which would in Unison bring prodigious ripple effect to everyone .
My School scout page suggested us to progress from 7:30-8:30PM to , DSA advised us to proceed from 8:30-9:00 PM and the Bhutan Telecom beeped us to reckon from 8:30 to 9:30 PM ,here I lay as a vagabond perplexed with various timing , 
So I realized it’s not the time I must stick to , it’s the small way on how I save my Mother Earth , so I chose 8:00 PM -9:00 PM as my time to darken all the rooms , offer butter lamps , offer my heartiest prayers for the well beings of all the sentient beings and chant avalokiteshvara  mantra to mark the Moment .

Thank you 
Good night everyone 
Save the Earth 
Scout leader 
Jamyang RD 

Number of participants
Service hours

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