Earth Day
To mark the Earth Day, the Scouts of Tang Central School, Bumthang coordinated plantation of the Saplings (Hazelnuts). The activity started from 21st April with the identification of plantation area and digging of holes for the plantation.
For the main day, the program started at 7:00 AM with the discussion of the theme for 2021, “Restore Our Earth”. The scouts were apprised about the day and the objectives behind observing the day.
To contribute in restoring our Earth, a total of 100 Saplings were planted by 105 Scouts and seven Scout Leaders. The saplings were contributed by Hazelnut Nursery.Each troop was provided 14 numbers of Saplings, by 7:30 AM the Scouts went to the designated area for plantation. Each troop was guided by a Scout Leader. The Scouts promised to take care of the sapling until it can grow on its own.