Drug Awareness week IDADAIT

Drug Awareness week IDADAIT

IDADAIT that is international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking was celebrated from 24th June till 28th June this year. The students took part in the program on each day by wearing blue ribbon on Monday to stand against bullying- Be a Friend and not a bully. Tuesday was pink ribbon to stand for protecting and loving our body- against HIV, AIDS, teenage pregnancy. Wednesday was Red ribbon to stand against drug abuse. Thursday was orange ribbon to stop social media abuse, think before you click. Friday was green ribbon to support healthy eating and lifestyle. The students wore the ribbons and half an hour was taken in the morning before lesson to advocate on the prevailing issues in our country. on Friday a 2 hour program was hosted to dramatize about the five issues in this year's theme. Students from all classes took part in the program with poster competition, poem writing and providing information on the issues. The program ended with a wellness program, sports for the students.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours

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