District Kullu Bharat Scouts & Guides and Himalayan Rovers Open Crew  Kullu today organized a hiking and

District Kullu Bharat Scouts & Guides and Himalayan Rovers Open Crew Kullu today organized a hiking and

District Kullu Bharat Scouts & Guides and Himalayan Rovers Open Crew Kullu today organized a hiking and environmental awareness program, during which the hiking was done from Kullu Sarvari to Bhakhali temple. While praising the scouting, the program was praised as #Assistant_Commissioner_To_Deputy_Commissioner, Kullu #Dr_Amit_Guleria , while expressing appreciation for the scouting that if the institutions are working in the field of social welfare in the country, services of scouts and guides are also on top. The program was prepared by Mr. Manohar Thakur (DOC), District Kullu and Mr. Kamlesh Thakur (Rover Scout Leader of Himalayan Rovers crew). Giving information about the program, Doc Kullu informed about the program that the main objective of this program was to get the badges for the advancement of scouts and guides according to the APRO Book scouting, in which the scouts and guides were successful with the path finder and the hiking badge. While earning, the work of the Rural Worker was also started. He said that while studying all the curtains in the same way, these scouts and guides travel to the President's award. The program's Assistant Leader and RSL Shri Kamlesh Thakur told that in today's program 72 participated in scouts and guides who were divided into eight patrol (group) who were sent on the wrong path along the way and through the search marks the right floor A successful attempt. The program was attended by 11 Schools and Himalayan Rovers Open Crew kullu. The program was chaired by #Deputy_Director_Higher_Education and #District_Chief_Commissioner Kullu #Sh_Jagdish. Special Thanks To all The Official Of Bharat scouts and guides distt. Headquarter. #bsghp #bsg #himalyan_rovers_open_crew #mop
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