Deusi & Bhailo (traditional festival tihar songs)
Deusi & Bhailo (traditional festival tihar songs), are sung during the festival of Tihar in Nepal. Childrens, teenagers and also old people sing these songs and dance as they go to various homes in their community, collecting money, sweets and food and giving blessings for peace, progress and prosperity Bhailo is sung by girls, while Deusi is sung by boys. At the end of these songs, the woman of the house serves food and gives money to these Deusi/Bhailo singers and dancers. In return, the Deusi/Bhailo team gives blessings for the prosperous life of entire family member.
Nepal Scouts, Dynamic Scout Crew decided to organize Deusi event on the auspicious occasion of Tihar. On 27th Oct, 2019 Saturday we Rovers, Rangers and Scout Leader of Dynamic Scout Crew gather and per our pre-plan we went to 5 different houses to play Deusi and Bhailo.
1. Ananta Prasad Bhetuwal (Advisor Dyanamic Scout Crew)
2. Shivaram Aryal (Scout Leader)/ Anirudra Aryal (Chairman, Kids Campus Montessori)
3. Barsha Raut (Actress)/ Sanjog Koirala (Businessman)
4. Prachanda Maan Shrestha (Owner, Station 5 Restaurant)/ Rabindra Sing Baniya (Sadkon Arts)
5. Deepak Raj Giri / Keki Adhikari/ Jitu Nepal (Nepali Cinema Team, chha maya chapakai)
We successfully collected NRs. 10,3900.00 and this amount will be deposited in Crew fund and will be utilized in social event as per necessary and decission of Dynamic Crew Committee.