"D BSP Project" (The Bottle Saver for Planting Project)

"D BSP Project" (The Bottle Saver for Planting Project)

The target of this project is to teach and raise awareness to the community the importance of recycling empty bottles and turn it into beautiful plant pot and producing their own vegetables free of chemicals. It gives opportunity to the public to diversify their income as well as keeping a healty lifestyle by eating vegetables free of chemicals and also making the community greener by planting. This project is like hitting 3 birds in one stone, We all know the benefits of recycling, planting and possible selling it, which all of that can be done through this project. But the said project needs funds amounting to 2000 USD to start up and buy the materials needed like paint, paint brush, scissors, glue gun, glue sticks, soil, and seeds. We will also advertise and our young scouts and adult leaders will teach the community through seriers of webinars, face to face teaching and hands on.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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