Cycle Rally for a Better World
The number of fuel driven vehicles is increasing day by day in the city. And due to this, there is a huge crowd of vehicles in the city and pollution also increases, people use cars even to go a little distance so that their false pride remains. We organized this cycle rally to make such people aware of health and environment.
We added many more people to organize the cycle rally. For this we also made some posters. We started this rally from the District Council and made everyone aware by cycling through the main roads of the city and through the market.
Many people saw us during the cycle rally and they were impressed by us and became aware of the environment and health. Those who joined us in the rally got special benefit.
Through this cycle rally, we made people aware and at the same time we also became more aware. Cycling is in the interest of the environment, it can also reduce road accidents. Daily cycling is very beneficial for the body.