COVID-19 pandemic awareness campaign

COVID-19 pandemic awareness campaign

Summary of the project:

Understanding the threat and the speed of spread of corona virus in the world, Nepal also need to prevent itself and for that awareness and information on person hygiene and social distancing is realized before it’s too late. Therefore, a campaign to start a week long campaign on disseminating the message regarding the prevention measures of corona virus infection and transmission with setting at least 50 hand washing stations inside valley (Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur) initially. So, a program was set to raise the awareness by 50 crews and hence are called in a short meeting and then set the locations to conduct the programs. The set of hygiene kits were developed and hence were distributed to the Rover/Rangers leaders. The main purpose of the campaign was to create awareness to prevent the transmission of the corona virus and to teach public about the effective ways of hand washing techniques and safety measures. The campaign was thought to be the model campaign program organized by the National Headquarters but the demand was so high that it was initiated in almost all parts of the country. In coordination with NHQ, local governments, Nepal Scouts has organized more than 62 hand washing stations and campaign in the country.

Methods applied:

  1. Installation of hand washing stations
  2. Raising awareness through leaflets and information banner
  3. Verbal awareness

Campaign kit set

A set of campaign kit contained 6 bottles of liquid dettol soap, 6 bottles of sanitizer, 2 packets of paper towel, a garbage bags roll, 1piece bucket with lid 50 liter, 1 piece 20 liter bucket with lid, a mug, a banner written Hand washing station, a banner written with precaution and safety measures, and 400 leaflets in each sets.  


Design to mobilize volunteer:

Volunteer form each crew are maximized up to 5 members and are mobilized shift wise. The time of the service is only 3-4 hours a day.

The volunteer are divided as;

Support in running hand washing stations: 2

Teaching hand washing techniques and serving sanitizer: 1

Dissemination of leaflets and messages and record keeping: 1


Expected Outcome:

The main aim of this campaign is to aware maximum number of people to stay safe form the transmission and spread of corona virus (COVID-19). The detail of the volunteer mobilization and recorded benefitted beneficiaries are shown in the table under:

No of volunteer mobilized

No of hand washing stations

No of recorded beneficiaries

Inside Valley (Kathmandu, Lalitpur & Bhaktapur)



Outside Kathmandu Valley







Field Reality:

The campaign was so powerful that it has turned to mega event. Nepal Police, and other different I/NGOs has adopted it and had installed the water tank with hand washing stations at different location of major cities of Nepal. Salute to all scouter that they had risked their lives to aware the public on corona virus. The activities were carried before to government lockdown. Aggressively information was shared through social media and local news portals on safety measures and information shared from government.



More than 50 thousands of peoples were directly and millions are benefitted indirectly form the campaign. More than 700 volunteer had served in the campaign to make it grand success.



World is panicking, and the WHO data shows millions of infection and transmission of virus. Developed countries like USA, Italy, India, China and France are also facing the havoc and are unable to control it. Major cities, countries have set lockdown and the world economics is being declining. The only measure to control the situation is to keep social distance to prevent contamination and transmission of disease form personal contacts. No infrastructure and system, technologies can stop epidemic completely instead human behavior and hygiene can. Only good things happened to earth is in its lowest level of pollution statistics. For Nepal government has timely implemented the preventive measures and had decided to lock down. Only ways to support the government and humanity is to maintain social distance, personal hygiene and frequent hand washing with soap.


Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Engagement

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