Profile picture for user scout rohit jha_1_1


DURING COVID - 19, I open one covid isolation cum wellness Centre. Were we admitted covid patients for a period of time in isolation and one team of doctors was always present for patients. I really want to help peoples in covid time and I want to save peoples life and I did it. We also maintain all disciplinary actions and maintain our saftey first.

This is my second part of my project. I started this project with my team and open "Covid Isolation Cum Wellness Center" at Swarnakar Bhawan, Kalakar Street, Ward 23,Kolkata. Firstly we arrange beds for patients, oxygen cylinders and one doctors team. We make it whole floors as a isolation ward. All necessary items we have arranged for patients.

There are total 30 patients benefited in next two month. We treated all the patients in free of costs. In three months of our project visited by our Respected MLA Mr. Vivek Gupta and many more Persons and help us for success the project. Project fb link:

From Covid -19 I learnt one thing about the value of life. Life is totally unpredictable so we have to cure about our life, Physical Fitness and from this project i help lots of people in covid and I am happy because i saves many of life in "COVID ISOLATION CUM WELLNESS CENTER".

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Global Support Assessment Tool
Humanitarian action
Youth Engagement
Peace and Community Engagement

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