Community services
The nation erect its independent flag and all people rejoice the sovereignty.for the creation of beautiful country Bhutan stands proudly and prosper in economic and spiritual development at this contemporary age .successive rule of monarchy further makes a country where it's people can peacefully live in with harmony and tranquality .on 21st February it's birth anniversary of his majesty 5th druk gyalpo and also observed as national scout day which is more important than anything .as hill side rungs with sweet sounds of drums and music , citizen enjoy celebrating and making prayers and wishes for the longevity of his majesty and continuity of scouting programme .family of sherubtse college pay heartfelt felicitation through Joined celebration within its community .more than 100 scouts and 100 rovers scouts joined in celebrating and served its people king and country through little contribution in crowd control and in serving .LONG LIVE HIS MAJESTY THE KING .