Cluster nachung scout camp 2019

Cluster nachung scout camp 2019

On May 16th-18th, I have coordinated three days Nachhung scout camp for 400 heads including scout leaders and members. Student from all the schools under Nganglam dungkhag took part in the program. The schools were Norbugang P.S, Gashari P.S, Dechheling L.S.S, Mikuri P.S, Nganglam central schools.The program was graced by Dasho Dungpa in the first day and ended successfully with the gracing of Dasho Drangpoen in the third day. During three days leaders ad teachers have undergone vigorous training on 7 different areas such as, Expidition, Adventure, Art and craft, Cultural and traditions, Scouting purposes and LNT and games and sport. The program was funded by Dzongkhag scout associations.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours

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