CLIMATE WALK to Kuenselphodrang Walk and picktrash

Scout never think of dirty place as a dirty but they tried to changes that dirty place to a wonderful place like that when i was small i found scouts picking a waste in a crowd gathering i also wanted to do the same thing so i got motivated from there.
We have started picking waste from Druk school and scouts leader and scout master have divided groups in 5 group and we have got our place to pick the waste and all the scout have finished picking waste and we have thrown waste in Big dustbin below Buddha point and we have went for lunch and we have end our program at 3:30pm.
We can make environment clean and peace peoples will like to come there will be more tourist in bhutan.Their will be good habits in peoples who see us waste and they will follow us they will never throw waste .
I have learned that never feel down because of picking waste be proud and never ever throw waste when ever you go pick waste never make environment dirty.
Number of participants
Service hours
Good Governance
Youth Programme

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