Climate Action-Our Responsibility

Climate Action-Our Responsibility

21st September is globally observed as the International Day of Peace as per the UN resolution. This year the UN calls for climate actions for peace from all the stakeholders including the individual person.

Zhemgang Central school spearheaded by scouts observed the day  with the theme “Climate Action for Peace”. The students are advocated on the stages of problems and crisis the world and the Earth has gone starting from Age of Barbarians to the latest, climate change. Later, students are created awareness on individual duty to contribute in minimal way to combat climate change

The students are made to listen to the UN Secretary General speech on the International Day of Peace.

To inspire them to take climatic action, a speech delivered by Greta Thunberg at R20 Australian World Submit, Vienna-2019 is made to listen

Further students are introduced to the impact of climate changes not only in Bhutan but also in Asian countries and world in large, if preventive measures are not taken through former Prime Minister Dasho Tshering Tobgay’s speech at TED, 2019-“An Urgent Call to Protect  World’s Third Pole”  

Students are made to take an oath and pledge hereafter to go for climate conversation, plastic free school & community, commit to conserve energy and plant more trees to mention few.


530 participants have participated in the event including the scout members for more than two and half hours.


Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF

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