Cleaning campaign in college premises by Rover.
The waste around the college surrounding doesn't give me a good sense of belonging to the college. Students do not have the habit of picking up plastics and wrapper which they sees on their way. If someone doesn't take up some initiatives, the college premises would one day turn into a garbage surrounding area. Hence, I wanted to initiate something which all had been doing and it's nothing new but it solely lies on how you think.
I carried out this project in my college, Paro, Bhutan.
I collaborated with college waste management team and rovers of the college. There were few interested volunteers who came forward to execute the project.
We cleaned and picked up all the plastics and wrapper around the college surrounding. We were glad some volunteers came forward to help us. The impact created were, we wefe able to clean the surrounding and at the same time we also advocated and asked to take responsibility of their own waste.
I learnt that if one takes initiative and has a mind to bring changes, we can. I also knew that plastics are the main cause of waste everywhere, we should reduce eating and using more of plastics and go green. We should also reduce using plastice so that we can have green and clean environment.