Celebration of Scouting Day cum 41st Birthday of our Beloved KIng

Celebration of Scouting Day cum 41st Birthday of our Beloved KIng

Monmola PS family joined the nation in celebrating the 41st Birth Anniversary  of our Druk Gyalpo on 21st Feb, 2021.  The programme commenced at 8:30 am with the offering of 108 butter lamps, singing of zhabten and  national Anthem. The  Principal shared the importance of the celebration with the highlights on the significant  developmental activities and reforms brought by our Druk Gyalpo. The scouts and the senior students showcased a series of cultural/ entertainment programme to the guest. All the  teachers, NFEIs , ECCDFs, support staff  and few students' parents took part in this important celebration. The scout members took the lead role in full preparation and managment of  this particular celebration as it was also marked as the Scout Day. The programme finally concluded with the short prayers and offering of long life wishes to our King.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Good Governance

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