Celebration of International Day of Peace 2019
Profile picture for user Pema Eden3_1

Celebration of International Day of Peace 2019

The Scouts of Kengkhar Middle Secondary School celebrated the day with 2019 Theme : " Climate Action for Peace " with the following programs

1) A speech about the importance of the day 

2) MOP Dance

3)The Earth Game ( This game is about how our dicisions made about our environment can affect every one.The partipants stood in a circle and the fingers were wrapped up with a string.A negative or positive statement were poped up with the tug of the string.When the others felt the movement of the string,they felt the emotions deeply and displayed these emotions through facial expression.Eg.Positive statement : Smiling Face ,Negative Statement : Sad Face. Negative Statement : " I am Kuri Chhu.People are dumping their garbages into me. " Positive Statement : " I am a small plant in Kengkhar MSS and the students are taking good care of me".

4)Guided Meditation- Passing the Bowl ( The participants stood in a circle, passed around the bowl of water and made pledges to save our enviroment through climate action.Eg. From today, I will turn off the electricity when not in use.)

Number of participants
Service hours
Global Support Assessment Tool

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