Celebration of international day of peace

Celebration of international day of peace

On 21st of September 2019, Lakhu Primary School celebrated International Day of Peace with the theme “Climate action for peace”. All the Teachers and students, school Care taker and four CBS members participated in the event. The day began with the Morning Assembly and some postures of peace and climate action made by Nachungs Scouts and Leader and the banner of international day of peace were pasted in the Assembly ground. Kinley Zam, aclass six student delivered speech on the importance of celebrating International day of peace in English and Rinchen Wangmo from class five delivered speech in Dzongkha. Mr Sangay Dorji, a teacher  shared the brief history of International day of peace and explained the symbols of peace. He even download the peace songs from the Goggle and explained the lyric to Scouts. School Principal highlighted the importance of celebrating International day of peace. The assembly ended with group photo session which was followed by the main events.
 I have formed two groups and divided Nachung Scouts. Health coordinator Madam Kencho Wangmo of our school with class four  and five Scouts cleared school dustbin and segregated non degradable and degradable waste and stored it in sacks which will be sold . The work took exactly 2 hours. Juice and chocolate were severed to the Nachung Scouts. I and Lopen Karma with class six Scouts and four CBS members went to forest to collect planks by using power chain and successfully made a huge wooden frame of life skills and Schools code of conducts banner in school campus . It took seven hours to complete the task. Some refreshments and lunch were served to the workers.  

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