Celebrating International Day of Peace

Celebrating International Day of Peace

Aimed at creating massive awareness on Climate Action for Peace and to mark International Day of Peace, Centre's CBS members organized various events in collaboration with Dzongkhag Scout Association, Paro and Nazhoen Lamtoen volunteers, Paro Branch today. The day started with door to door peace and climate action awareness program and Mass Cleaning program in the morning within Paro town. Public Speaking competition on Peace and climate change in the afternoon was organized amongst Nazhoen scouts in Khangkhu MSS, MP Hall. The competition was organized both in Dzongkha and English. The Hon'ble Chief Guest, Dasho Dzongda, Dzongkhag administration, Paro awarded cash prizes and certificate of merit to the winners of public speaking competition. Cultural shows in between the speeches made the program more lively and exciting. 260 Nazhoen Scouts and 9 scout leaders from Drukgyel CS, Utpal Academy, Rigzom Academy, Lango MSS, Shari HSS, Yoezerling HSS, Khangkhu MSS, Shaba HSS and rover scouts of Paro College of Education took part in this day long program. Thank you everyone involved in making this program a huge success.

Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF

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