Celebrating the 71st Anniversary of the Indonesia Train Company (PT.Kereta Api Indonesia) with some Runners and Scout Journey for Peace team.
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Celebrating the 71st Anniversary of the Indonesia Train Company (PT.Kereta Api Indonesia) with some Runners and Scout Journey for Peace team.

The Scout Journey for Peace team was invited by PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Train Company) to be the part of KAI Run committee in Bandung west java Indonesia. There are ten scouts from different regency in west java was joined in that event. 1550 runners followed that event, and in order to celebrate the 71st anniversary of PT.KAI with the theme "Run to Heritage with KAI". As we know that in 2015 PT KAI has become the sponsor of Scout Journey for Peace Project. Now, we are as a scouts help them to make the event success. Some scouts help the runners by giving the direction along the street ( 5 Km ), sometimes they also spread the Peace Campaign and invite the runners to spread the peace to other participants and their environment. We are very happy to be part of the KAI Run 2016 event, because the scouts' duty is to help others.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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