Profile picture for user armansadekador

Captured moments from Hajj Camp 2023

The Scout pledge is to help self, country and others. Continuing this trend, I am eager to serve the Haji community in the 2023 Hajj camp by obeying the Scout pledge.
My project was implemented at Ashkona Hajj Camp, Dhaka Airport. In this project I serve the Hajj pilgrims by serving 14 shifts from 1st June to 7th June. Each shift was 6 hours long. In 11 out of 14 shifts, I served at the main gate, where the main task was to confirm the identity of Hajj pilgrims entering the Hajj camp. And for the remaining 3 shifts, I performed duty in the dormitory, by saving the contact information of every Hajj traveler who entered the dormitory in the database.
Through my and other team members' duties in this project, hundreds of people staying in the Hajj camp have received their various information, safety of themselves and their belongings. Apart from providing services to Hajj pilgrims, we have also helped other defense forces such as the police to perform their duties.
From this project I learned how to remain calm and patiently carry out my duties in serious situations without misbehaving with people.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Inner peace and spirituality
Better Choice
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement

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