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Breaking Fast Charity Event Aqeeq

"Aqeeq" emerges as a significant project with the noble aim of propagating the message of peace within the community. Central to this endeavor is the thoughtful consideration of selecting a specific day for the distribution of iftar meals, aligning with the essence of Ramadan and its spirit of compassion and generosity. Through meticulous deliberations, the organizers contemplate the most opportune moment to extend this gesture of goodwill, ensuring maximum impact and resonance with the community. Each aspect of the initiative is carefully crafted to foster unity and harmony, transcending barriers and fostering a culture of empathy and understanding. The ultimate goal is to create a ripple effect of positivity, where the simple act of sharing a meal becomes a catalyst for fostering bonds of friendship and solidarity among individuals from diverse backgrounds. In the spirit of Aqeeq, this project embodies the transformative power of collective action in promoting peace and harmony within society.

The Aqeeq platform has sparked a wave of enthusiasm among the young men and women residing in its vicinity, with many eager to join forces in its noble mission of fostering a better world. United by a shared commitment to spreading peace and compassion, these individuals express their interest in collaborating with the platform to make a tangible difference in their community. Recognizing the power of collective action, the organizers of Aqeeq mobilize efforts to gather funds dedicated to the distribution of iftar meals in the evening, particularly during the sacred month of Ramadan. Through grassroots fundraising initiatives and outreach programs, they harness the generosity and goodwill of community members to support their cause. Every donation, no matter how small, serves as a testament to the collective desire for positive change and solidarity. As the momentum builds and resources accumulate, the stage is set for a meaningful impact, as iftar meals are distributed to those in need, nurturing not only their physical well-being but also their sense of belonging and dignity. In this collaborative endeavor, the Aqeeq platform emerges as a beacon of hope and compassion, inspiring others to join in its mission of creating a more inclusive and compassionate world.

In anticipation of the holy Muslim celebration, adherents engage in the obligatory practice of fasting for a duration of 30 days. This period of fasting entails abstaining from eating or drinking from dawn until sunset, with the fast being broken only after the Maghrib prayer call marks the end of the day. However, within our community, the reality persists that many individuals, due to limited resources, embark on this spiritual journey without the means to sustain themselves throughout the day. It is within this context that Aqeeq's mission takes on profound significance. With a steadfast dedication to sustainable development, Aqeeq endeavors to alleviate the hardships faced by those observing the fast by providing them with a daily meal. This initiative seeks to ensure that no individual is left hungry or deprived during this sacred period, fostering a sense of solidarity and compassion within the community. Through the provision of sustenance, Aqeeq not only addresses immediate needs but also lays the groundwork for long-term progress, embodying the principles of sustainable development and social responsibility. In this way, Aqeeq's mission serves as a beacon of hope and support for those in need, embodying the spirit of empathy and generosity that lies at the heart of Ramadan.

Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme
Communications and Scouting Profile

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