LABUAN: A blood donation drive organized by the Scouts Association of Malaysia Labuan (PPMWPL) and WP Labuan Health Department held yesterday have received encouraging response from the local community.
A spokesman for the organizers told a total of 72 pints of blood were collected in the campaign were from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm. Donors gathered in the foyer of the Financial Park as early as 9 am for registration and examination of blood before they start donating. The campaign was held for the shortage of blood and ensuring sufficient blood supply may be ahead of the school holidays.
The campaign also received a visit from the Chief Scout Commissioner Maj. Jen. Prof. Dato. Dr. Hj. Mohd Zin Bin Dugan and Assistant Chief Scout Commissioner Mr. Gordon Koh Hong Kian. He also presented certificates of appreciation to donors. Also present at the campaign was YDP State Council Dato 'Sri Hj Alias bin A. Rahman and Chief Commissioner of State Skip Hong Heng Chee. The campaign is sponsored by the Labuan Financial Park & Chief Commissioner of State Skip Hong Heng Chee.