Birthday Celebration of People's king ... The King of the Kings
Across all districts, all natives yearn for this special day ,for all deeply yearn to pay homage and gratitude, for no kings of any nations would dare do sormount task like him. There's no kings who would match my fourth king, for he is the champion of all people and resides deep within every Bhutanese hearts, for his task done is matchless to accolades neither any praises...
Today ,we pay our humble homage and gratitude to our fourth king and we pray for his long life , good health and usher us with happiness and peace for all times to come... Happy birthday my king...
Thank you for the happiness and peace...GNH in Bhutan...
Coinciding with this special occasion, Phuntshothang MSS celebrated the day with its annual feteday and exciting extravaganza by cultural clubs. The ground crowded with hundreds of people who came to witness this national event, the first ever to be conducted at Samdrup Choling Dungkhag.