Bhutan adopted an ancient Simtokha Fort in Bhutan

Bhutan adopted an ancient Simtokha Fort in Bhutan

An oldest Fortress that was built in 1616 by a great dual master Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel that laid foundation for security and sovereignity of Bhutan is now under great THREAT from the Forest Fire disaster. Particularly in dry monsson season, and located vicinity to downtown of Thimphu City, the seat of great spiritual master where on most of auspiciaous religious occassions host mass spiritual discourse regularly, Forest Fire been identified potential threat to the fort. about 62 Scouts and Community Based Scouts volunteered for a day long services in clearing dry bushes, twigs, branches and small trees around Simtokha Fort. Bhutan Scouts Association ADOPTED the SIMTOKHA FORT to safeguard and protect it from Fire Disaster forever. The Fort host most important and sacred relics and bhudhist artifacts of the world that enshrined by heavenly abbot. It truly resembles PARADISE on the earth.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF
Personal safety

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