The way towards pang where I live has been dirty for a while with plastics and waste. People are unaware of the waste and adding more waste which harms the community. I just wanted to make the surrounding cleaner than the day before which looks for refreshing and more beautiful with gorgeous scene of the place. Therefore I initiated to do cleaning campaign with 9 to 10 scouts.
We started our cleaning from the gewog with 10 to 12 participants and with a sack each. Along the way we sang yell and played few games to entertain ourselves. I gave a short speech about the main reason for organising it.
When we were cleaning most of the people were overwhelmed with our contribution and offered us with juices and maggies each. They also promised to clean every year of the second month. Moreover the nachung scouts with me were having a great day and gave compliments of the program and they also promised to help cleaning.
To make people aware we must first show them or demonstrate so that they will follow the way. When we did cleaning afterwards many villagers did so. It was way more clean than before.