An Awareness That Matters

Taking the fight to covid 19 is all about sharing the right information about what we can do to help halt the spread of infection. This convienced me to take the project of raising awareeness about the corona virus.
The two days awareness campaign took place in one of the higher altitude setting; common pilgrimage trek, where people are insouciant about the outspread of virus. Total of eight scouts volunteered to spread knowledge about the nature of virus, its danger and most importantly explained the importance of social distancing. Posters discribing signs and symptoms of the virus were pasted, correct hand washing technique was demonstrated and sanitizers were distributed for use.
People living in those area were educated on the outspread of cornona virus. This had a massive impact as the inhibitants not only realized the need of handahsing, but also focused on clean water and sanitation. As per my estimation, around 50 individuals were benefited from this initiative.
Awareness is essential for prevention, early dection. targeted therapy and is key to ensuring effective treatment.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Communications and Scouting Profile
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing

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