Anti-Teenage Smoking Awareness Campaign

Anti-Teenage Smoking Awareness Campaign

Our Project is connected to the fourth SDG (Health and Well Being). We aim to promote Anti Smoking activities in our awareness campaign. Teenagers around our country are observed and statistically studied as early smokers whether it were with Shisha (Hokey Pokey), cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, or any other smoking utensil. Smoking is obviously linked to several coronary and lung diseases. We aim also to highlight the detrimental consequences of biological and psychological addiction that will mislead the integrated and prudent development of a healthy character if smoking emerges at such an early age.

We will be conducting a series of 20 training workshops dealing with preventive and therapetic approaches when dealing with an early smoker. These workshops will adress 400 scout atleast whose age ranges from 11-14 years old. It will be assessed in most of the lebanese regions from the north to the south. We are looking forward to be able to bond with our scout teens who will be able to express and adress their personal smoking experience. We expect each training session to cost a 100 dollars of logistic expenses with volunteering efforts of trainers and collaborators. And hence we will be trying our best to stick to a 2000 dollar budget provided. This estimation will be based on volunteering trainers and hence this is the least expenses expected. The fundraising period will be from the moment of launching the project that shall be on july 12th up until December 31st where our work will be coinciding and occurring throughout this date.

The training workshops will address also non-scout individuals after our scout teens will receive the training. They will be able to spread the word themselves as trainers to their peers in their schools, neighborhood, clubs, streets and more. With our extension with 70 thousand volunteering scout who have been working with us from different age ranges and being widespread we expect to be leading in this campaign.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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