Anti Cracker Diwali project was a project by Govt. of India which inspired me to take initiative and save environment from pollution made by the people on the Occasion of Diwali (a religious festival).
I encouraged my scouts and guides to spread the message of ANTI CRACKER DIWALI on the occasion of Diwali. Slogan writing, Drawing Competition were organised by me to aware the students and society. Social awareness Rallies were also organised by me with the help of my scouts and guides.
The people of nearby localities were inspired by the slogans raised by me and my scouts and guides. They promised not to burn crackers and celebrate GREEN DIWALI CLEAN DIWALI.
Many ideas came to my mind to aware the society for safety of environment like slogans, Nukkad nataks and poetry. Too much pollution occurs due to burning of crackers on the occasion of DIWALI. But we can can the minds of people who don't know the harmful effects of burning crackers on environment.