Profile picture for user Sangay@Wangmo_1


I quote the great leader who changed the perception of the world leaders Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” .This qoute keeps motivating me in becoming the driving engine behind the scouting vibes in my scouts. Involving the young people into action would not only help them in cleaning but also benefit themselves first followed by the community where they are living with examples and imparting the message would help them support the world in building Peace.
This was a 3-days project that I undertook to celebrate IDP 2022 in Gelephu Middle Secondary. This is done as PEACE begins from within first. From the Checheys participated PEACE WALK for (3 hours in the wood. Nachung and Nazhoen Scouts in Cleaning campaign for 4hours in the town in Samdrupling surrounding the school. They also attend prayer for World peach for 1 hour on 20th September. Nachung and Nazhoen Scouts also took part in poster and digital poster competition on the 21st of September.
The Project benefited the Scouts themselves in learning and understanding about their own potential. With the project in place, it benefited the people living around the school campus and town as scouts created awareness and also made them join the campaign. The community were able to understand the importance of keeping their surrounding clean. It was a great. The Chechey Scouts and their parents took part in the spiritual lunch where they were taught simple and basic values required in life.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” by Martin Luther King Jr. taught me that we need to act to bring in change. I as scout leader tried to create a difference and a rigor in our scouting through this project so that we can do bigger projects and create greater impact to the community and World at large. We are the hope and hope should be kept alive in us and our generation through impactful actions as always. Thank you
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Number of participants
Service hours
Clean Energy
Civic engagement
Communications and Scouting Profile
Environment and Sustainability

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