Acara Nataru Gerakan Pramuka Pangalengan
based on Circular from the national scout Organization Gerakan Pramuka No. 1087-00-E Regarding the circulation of scout service work in the context of Christmas (Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024). Pangalengan Branch Quarter Carrying out Notoru Karyabakti activities
Kwartir Ranting Pangalengan with Directions from the district civil service kwarcab. Bandung Carrying out Nataru work activities in the central area of Pangalengan city
This aims to ensure smooth traffic flow in the city center and tourist attractions. This is also so that the benefits of scouting can be felt by the community so that scouts get a positive assessment in the community. This activity was attended by the mainstay elements of the branch quarter, members of the police, TNi and Satpol PP as well as enforcement scouts from Saka Bhayangkara