6th National Scouts Day

6th National Scouts Day

Bhutan Scouts Association(BSA),this very year 2020 showered our District Scouts Association with an opportunity to celebrate the 6th National scouts day coinciding with the Birth Anniversary of 5th King at Samdrup Jongkhar. Twelve higher secondary schools blended the grand event with their perfomances dedicated to His Majesty ,Patron of BSA for the whole day. Indeed it was the most grand event,ever performed by any scouts at Samdrup Jongkhar so far. Immense gratitude to School Scouts Association (SSA), Scout Leaders and dear Scouts who wholeheartedly participated in the event making it most cherishable and momentous.

Furthermore, few awards were confered to senior scouters and Messenger of Peace ,Green scarf were confered to dedicated scouts... Congratulations!!! You were the most deserving admist many..


Happy National Scouts Day

Hapy Founders Day

Happy Scouting 

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Good Governance

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