The Hittite Scout troop participated to jota. Each geuop prepared a workshop ther and wireless amateur and Scout witreerss operators teade to call ocer the worls.
Hittite Scouts are also winner of a video competition on oe of the Provincial campsa of Ankara
Here is their story with photos
1. This activity made us very happy made We dances on the center Sevinçten dans ediyoruz. 2. Now we are going to join Ankara Scout to make our activity for JOTA and JOTI Yola çıktık. Photographer: K. Burak Beyaz
3. We are working with NJaC U. Savaş Baran about how to make lands of Advanture project and WOSM Environmantal award Ulusal JOTA koordinatörü U. Dsvas Baran ile Macera ülkeleri ve WOSM çevre ödülü üzerine konşuyoruz Photographer: K. Burak Beyaz
4. One time in the history Pigeons was a fast and reliable communication alternative. They used it in Napoleon Wars. We are usng recycled paper Bir zamanlar güvercinler hızlı ve güvenilir bir iletişim yolu idi. Napolyon savaşları sırasında da kullanıldıler. Çalışmada geriye kazanılmış kağıt kullanıyoruz. Photographer: K. Burak Beyaz
5. Scouts on the air Izcilerimiz havada Photographer: K. Burak Beyaz
6. We seal our happiness after the meeting Etkinlik sonunda mutlulğumuzu damgaliyoruz Photographer: K. Burak Beyaz
We visited other scout geoups who were participating to JOTA
We made Peace pigeons
Worked on envronmental issues
Sbouts and leaders total 13
Authır: K. Burak Beyaz