2nd Nambour Joey Scout Bake Sale for Drought Angels

2nd Nambour Joey Scout Bake Sale for Drought Angels

During a Unit Council on 30th July 2019 2nd Nambour Joey Scouts brainstormed idea's on how we could help organisations in the community.

As a Unit the Joey's came up with the idea to organise hampers to donate to an organisation. There were mixed idea's for the organisation from Defense Force serving overseas, hospital or nursing home residents. One of our parents suggested Drought Angels, which is a not for profit organisation which assists farmers and rural communities who are facing difficulties with the drough that covers a large part of Australia.

After the Joeys learnt more about Drought Angels and how important water is to life for everyone not just farmers and the animals, they selected this organisation. 

Through conversations and research Joeys evolved their plan to hold a bake sale to donate money to Drought Angels so that local families could purchase food and suppliers from local businesses, which would then have a greater impact on the local community.

On 10th September we held a baking night at the Den, we had 
12 Joey Scouts
2 Venturers
6 parent Helpers
2 Joey Scout Leaders
making large batches of Rocky Road, Lemon Coconut Slice and Mars Bar Slice, as well as painting signs advertising our bake sale.

On 13th September several families from our Joey Unit as well as those in Cubs and Scouts dropped off donations of baking for our sale.
This included a Joey Scout from a neighbouring Scout Group.

Early Saturday 14th September Joeys, Leader and their family set up marques and tables ready for our doanted baking. We were very blessed with extended family members donating more baking then we though possible as the cause of Drought Angels meant alot to our community. 

Joey Scouts asssited in greeting customers, food and drink handling, handling money and calculating change. Some families particiapted in one or two shifts during our bake sale.

Through the drive and effort our Joey Scouts raised over $1300 for Drought Angels through our bake sale. It was a wonderful program that brought together extended members of Joey Scout families, together with the broader community.

Note: This project was 60 service hours across all particpants not 6336

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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