2018世界和平日慶祝活動 International Peace Day Celebration
Scouts of China (Taiwan) celebrated the International Day of Peace by “Messengers of Peace Orienteering” and “MoP Beach Cleaning” on 29 September 2018. About 70 scouts and scoutmasters joined the events.
“Messengers of Peace Orienteering”
Scouts and leaders get to learn more about Peace and SDGs through this event by tagging some of the stops.
“MoP Beach Cleaning”
Due to the typhoon passing by and the waves were too strong and dangerous, we rearranged the event and did a short lesson about MoP and showed the environment of Jinshan with our participants.
Messengers of Peace is a project that encourages youth to take practical actions, starting from discovering the community, planning and taking actions, also to make things possible and to create a better world. Let’s spread the Messengers of Peace together!