1st weekly "Community Service Project" at District Government Hospital Ajjarkadu, Udupi district, Karnataka state, India.

1st weekly "Community Service Project" at District Government Hospital Ajjarkadu, Udupi district, Karnataka state, India.

 1st weekly February 2019 month "Community development Service Project"

We the Mother Theresa ⚜Ranger unit started a weekly  community service project about Environment and Sanitation in the surroundings of District government hospital Ajjarkadu Udupi, Karnataka state, India. from  Today  dated 5th February 2019, our  Dr. G. Shankar Government Women's First Grade College and  P  G Study Centre Ajjarkadu  college Rangers   actively participated in this Community service Project,  So that all of us today happily   served our community as per our moto that is  SERVICE.

The remarkable growth of technological progress has negative impact on the ecological state of our planet. The work of factories and plants and the extraction of natural resources result in serious environmental problems that call for radical actions for environmental rehabilitation and protection. The influence of the devastative human activity shouldn`t be ignored. We should contribute every day to the preservation of our natural environment. Mankind should be sure that technological advances would never disturb the ecological balance of the Earth. Environmental problems should be handled by the united efforts of the global community. Nowadays, a lot of international summits, conferences, and presentations are held to deal with recycling, waste treatment, and water and soil contamination. We should always remember that environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented. So, let`s take care of the world that surrounds us!


We there given a awareness that to Do not throw away garbage that can be recycled. Such things as batteries and cell phones contain hazardous pollutants.


New generation will need new conditions to successfully survive in our deteriorating natural environment. The future catastrophes are not distant events, they happen here and now. We must raise new ecologically concerned generation to prevent possible problems. We have to take changes from ourselves and promote green living among rising generation.


People have to reconsider their views of life and promote healthy and ecologically friendly lifestyle. It is up to us to change situation for better and leave good legacy for generations to come.


Sanitation makes a positive contribution in family literacy. According to a UNICEF study, for every 10 per cent increase in female literacy, a country’s economy can grow by 0.3 per cent. Thus, sanitation contributes to social and economic development of the society. Improved sanitation also helps the environment. 


Clean drinking water and good sanitation would not prevent infections without practicing good hygiene. A simple habit of washing hands goes a long way towards preventing diseases. The stored water supply may also serve as a source of infection in the absence of hygiene. 


In India, rapid urbanisation and the increasing population has placed a major strain on the existing infrastructure. It has affected the capacity of the government to provide clean drinking water, and effective sanitation measures. Though the government has tried to overcome this problem through urban development programmes like Clean India Campaign, the total costs required for successful operations continue to mar their efforts. Hence, the contributions of corporations, and other organisations is a welcome change.


We all 42 rangers of Mother Theresa Team council rendered our 2 hours of valuable time to serve on 5th February 2019, A first weekly Community service project , we felt very proud of for awareness drive towards Environment and Sanitation . We at the Surroundings of District Government Hospital Udupi cleaned waste plastics and given awareness towards the cleanliness and plastic pollution and important is about environment friendly protection towards the surroundings of district government hospital Udupi.






Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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