Yesterday's actions dictates Tomorrow's outcomes
To celebrate the 127th martyrdom of our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Our local council was invited to join in the celebration and commemoration of this day at our Rizal Parks, in the event we gave respect to our national hero for his hard-work, his impact on the Filipino revolution for freedom, and his sacrifice. Dr. Jose P. Rizal believed in the philosophy of ending the rule of Spain over the Philippines without using swords and violence, but instead opted to open the minds of his fellow men through the use of novels and literacy. His actions were the source of many peoples inspiration to free themselves from the tyrannical hold of the Spaniards. Because of him we now enjoy freedom and peace in our country.
As scouts his actions serve as a guide to us to appreciate the opportunities we have right now and to enjoy and use our freedom wisely. I myself was interviewed by a local radio station on my opinions on certain matters of peace and freedom and i am proud to say that because of scouting i can enjoy and promote the ways we can use our freedom properly.
From Eagle Scout Caleb Bayani
Boy Scouts of the Philippines, Palawan - Puerto Princesa City Council