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World Scout Jamboree - Reported cases of meningitis

The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) has been alerted to three reported cases of meningitis in the United Kingdom and suspected cases in Sweden involving Scouts who have recently returned from Japan to attend the 23rd World Scout Jamboree. Whilst these cases are not life threatening, we are truly saddened that this has happened and our thoughts are with the young people concerned and their families at this worrying time. We understand that the health authorities in both countries have issued health advisory notices, informing Scouts who were recently in Japan to be aware of the symptoms. In Sweden, the health authorities have asked those who attended the Jamboree to seek immediate preventive treatment from their doctor or the nearest healthcare provider as a precaution. We have been in discussion with the World Health Organisation about this issue. They advise that the most common symptoms of meningitis are neck stiffness, high fever, sensitivity to light, confusion, headaches and vomiting. If these symptoms occur, immediate medical advice should be sought so that treatment can be started as soon as possible. Please share this information with those who attended the Jamboree and their friends and family. Should you know of someone who may have the symptoms, please advise him/her to immediately seek medical attention.
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