Women in scouting (girl scout empowerment ) spreding the smiles.

Women in scouting (girl scout empowerment ) spreding the smiles.

Why are young women leadership so crusial to make strong and sustainable to our community? In the current 21st century women have become strong , Empowered, Educated and taking lead of leadership to make  an impact to the other fellow women and girls in our society. Girls scout empowerment  for the past years have been taking action of empowering women and girls from different communities especially on FGM. In this we have able to rescure few girls on culture multipractise. It has given the girls and women an eye open and also help in eradicating the FGM practise. Being an International day of Woman I urge all women in the scouting movement to become stronger and empowered to have equal representation at the table of power within there communities to lead and strive for the world we want, let's embrace gender Equality and quality education to our Women. Happy International womens day. 


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