Volunteers, enablers of a Better World

Volunteers, enablers of a Better World

Brothers and sisters in Scouting, For more than 100 years, millions of women and men have been putting their time, talent and resources to the service of the Scout Movement. Their only reward: witnessing the development of young people and turning this world into a better place. Their passion, commitment and generosity have made us one of the largest youth organisations in the world today. The importance of volunteers in Scouting was well seen recently in the 23rd World Scout Jamboree, held in Japan. On that occasion, almost 8 000 women and men of all ages, races, nationalities and creeds, came together and gave their best to provide young participants with a life-changing experience. We saw them directing traffic under the blazing sun and cleaning toilets; we saw them in the early hours distributing food and patrolling at night; we saw them engaging young people in amazing activities… And we saw them smiling, dancing, being kind to others around them… and being helpful… As the world celebrates International Volunteer Day this week, I’m reminded of each one of the 7 million volunteers in the Scout Movement, who contribute to the development of children and young people around the world, and I have no words to express my gratitude sufficiently for all your contributions. I’m humbled by the dedication, spirit of service and positive attitude of all volunteers in Scouting. And, as Chairman of the World Scout Committee, this fills me with hope for the future of our World Organization. WOSM is honoured to have you as volunteers, and I’m proud to be able to call you my Brothers and Sisters in Scouting. Once again, thank you for contributing to creating a Better World.
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