Viva San Sebastian! - Scouts during the feast of St. Sebastian
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Viva San Sebastian! - Scouts during the feast of St. Sebastian

Fiesta or feasts are celebrated all over the Philippines. Filipinos celebrates feasts for different reasons; to celebrate good harvest, to cheer themselves up (MassKara Festival), and even in honor of their patron saints. January 20 is celebrated as the Feast Day of St. Sebastian, the patron saint of Bacolod City. During the procession of the image of San Sebastian, Scouts were there to help and carry the flags of the Catholic Church and the Diocese of Bacolod. The beauty in this is that not all of those Scouts is Catholic, still, to help despite of the difference in faith and religion, is something that blurs the wall that divides us all. These Scouts came from Agila Bacolod, NESAPh Papa Isio Chapter No. 6, and Scouts of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines Bacolod City Council.

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