South Sudanese Scouts among Yei youth calling for peace and unity
South Sudanese Scouts living in Yei River State were among youth organizations present at a forum to forum to promote peace in the south-western region of South Sudan. The forum which brought together 91 youth from the Sudan People’s Liberation Army, National Security, Prisons, Police, Boda Boda Associations, Women’s Association, religious groups, and Scouts explored ways to end ethnic division and build unity. The young people identified some of the factors causing inter-ethnic polarity in Yei as impunity among elites, the historical background of conflict among superior tribes, tribal pride, as well as tribal and political hegemonies.
The forum was organized by the Civil Affairs division of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan in collaboration with a local faith-based group, Augustine Family Organization under the theme “promoting peace, social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.”
The forum urged that the different tribes making up the country must project unity through its diversity rather than using ethnicity as a dividing factor. Participants were also encouraged to strive for peace by embracing the culture of social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.
This contribution by the Scouts of South Sudan to the achievement of lasting peace in their country underscores Scouting’s recognition of the potential and role of the youth in bringing peace and harmony to their communities. Through the Dialogue for Peace programme Scouts around the world continue to build bridges of dialogue, friendship, peace, harmony and co-existence among their peers, in their families, schools and communities.