Scouts start Volunteerism Month with a webcast on the SDGs!
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Scouts start Volunteerism Month with a webcast on the SDGs!

Scouts start Volunteerism Month with a webcast on the SDGs!

Every May is the Volunteerism Month in the Philippines, and Scouts from the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) Bacolod City Council initiated to have a livestream on Facebook to talk about the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on May 6, 2020 at  8:00 p.m. (GMT +8).

This is aims to show the SDGs in the lenses of Scouts and the youth, thus the Scouts themselves will talk about the SDGs in the webcast.

This initiative is led by BSP Bacolod City Council Senior Scout Committee, led by CSR Angel Canete, ES and CSR Reign Josef Basilio, ES, and is supported by Agila Bacolod and NESAPh Papa Isio Chapter No. 6.

The Scouts who will take about the different goals in the SDGs are the following:

  1. SDG1 - Angel Canete
  2. SDG2 - Reign Josef Basilio
  3. SDG3 - Paola Marie L. Gabrido
  4. SDG4 - Lyann Marie Española
  5. SDG5 - Kerstin L. Hechanova
  6. SDG6 - China Marie Suganob
  7. SDG7 - Royce Christian Amar
  8. SDG8 - Sittie Merhannah Barodi
  9. DG9 - Kimberly Monotilla
  10. SDG10 - Krishialyn Garnado
  11. SDG11 - Queenie Rose Galagar
  12. SDG12 - Angelica T. Muñoz
  13. SDG13 - Danica Althea Villarosa
  14. SDG14 - Cj Bactong
  15. SDG15 - Kenlie John Maghari
  16. SDG16 - Carlos Anthony Jayme
  17. SDG17 - Areanel Theofer Ariola

Furthermore, on May 8 there will be an episode for the summary of the SDGs by Eagle Scout Rocky Nicor and afterwards, the Council Scout Representatives will conduct an open forum for Scouts to ask their questions regarding the Sustainable Development Goals, wherever they may be, through the Facebook Livestream.

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