Scouts of Namibia sign MoU with SOS Children’s Villages to Grow Scouting
In recognition that they share the common aim of empowering youth through education and promoting action towards their sustainable social and economic development, the Scouts of Namibia and SOS Children’s Villages have signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to joining efforts using their best endeavors to facilitate achievement of their missions. The MoU signing ceremony was presided over by SoN's National Executive Officer Allen Sameja and the Executive Director of SOSCV-Namibia Mrs. Simonee Mulamata.
Scouts of Namibia will work in conjunction, consultation, collaboration and coordination with SOS Children’s Villages to offer Scouting as an educational activity at individual SOS Children’s’ villages of Tsumeb, Windhoek and Ondangwa in Namibia. Scouts of Namibia undertakes to provide programme materials on Scouting to young people and leaders alike, contribute ideas for a variety of fun yet challenging activities for young people, arrange relevant training for adult volunteers to run Scout groups, and extend invitations to SOS members to attend national, regional and local Scouting events. In doing this, Scouts of Namibia shall be guided by its National Child Protection Policy.
SOS Children’s Villages Namibia, in turn, will work in conjunction, consultation, collaboration and coordination with Scouts of Namibia to make it possible for young people in their care to become Scouts and thereby take part in the Scouting programme, and also to offer SOS staff members the opportunity to become adult Scout leaders and run Scouting activities. SOSCV Namibia has the child as its core business and thus its major focus is on child protection and child safeguarding. SOSCV Namibia also recognizes the fact that registration/enrolment by individuals is absolutely voluntary and therefore only those children and youth who volunteer to participate in Scouting will be allowed to join this programme.
Scouts of Namibia will further provide feedback to SOS Children’s Villages on the performance of their registered members through annual reports. Such feedback will be provided directly to the Village Directors who will ensure reflection of such feedback in the quarterly and annual progress reports and Child and Youth Development Plans.