Scouts Introducing Renewable Energy to community

Perkemahan Wirakarya Nasional (PWN) 2021 in Jambi Province becomes a chance for the momentums to socialize renewable energy to the local community right there. "Fossil energy or non-renewable energy will eventually run out one day, therefore the government is trying to socialize and produce renewable energy." Said Budi Waseso as the He also explained that this event was an opportunity and a form of Scouts being present to support the government's development program. "The socialization that the participants of PWN 2021 will perform is related to renewable electricity, which is currently a basic need for our people," said Budi Waseso. The renewable energy that will be socialized in PWN 2021, namely the production of renewable energy from palm oil into biodiesel. Currently, said Budi Waseso, the government is intensively producing palm oil renewable energy into biodiesel. Even the government is developing bioenergy into several eco-friendly energy products.
Clean Energy
Responsible consumption
Environment and Sustainability

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