Scouts help prevent community conflicts and SDG 5
Through Talily Raike, our Scouts strengthen their involvement as active citizens in their communities while helping to maintain peace and stability. This is a universal mission for which Scouts around the world are committed. The project encourages leading men to be partners in promoting positive masculinity. In doing so, men inspire their peers for positive behavioral changes to promote gender equality and raise awareness of gender rights through the living values of humility, and respect.
In partnership with the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA), Scouts promote of the culture of inclusive and peaceful resolution and prevention of community conflicts and will implement the awareness campaign on positive masculinity in the 9 districts of Atsimo Andrefana as part of the " Talily Raike " project , supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, under the leadership of the Ministry of Population, and the Observatory of Decentralization and Local Development.
The Scouts have an outstanding presence in the 20 municipalities of intervention in the 9 districts which are a major strength.
This collaboration highlights how Scouting contributes not only to the education of young people, but above all to the total involvement of Scouts in the achievement of SDG 5: "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls" for the benefit of their communities. This commitment reflects the vision of World Scouting: "Creating a better world".